Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Should the book be judged by its cover?

Although they say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, we always tend to do so. Now lets relate the book to a person. Do we judge people on their appearance? All the time! The way an individual dresses is an important form of non-verbal communication. Your dress conveys nonverbal clues about your personality, education, background, financial status and credibility. These clues can break down barriers and launch careers, or create barriers and hamper careers. Imagine going to a business meeting to discuss the financial budget about the company you work for. You sit down in the meeting room and the speaker is wearing a mini skirt as if she's ready to hit the clubbing scene.

Would you even be paying attention to what she's saying? I know I wouldn't! I wouldn't be able to take her seriously. If she can’t put the effort into wearing an appropriate outfit to an important work meeting, then why should she get my attention? Although her lack of clothes does make her seem confident, it is unprofessional. She's at a business meeting to discuss finance, not sell her skin. Overall, clothing is a common form of non-verbal communication and one should look in the mirror twice before they walk out with any outfit on.

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